Increasing the Investment for the Peace of the City
By: Marcus Patrick | Urban Impact, Director
October 19, 2023
Seeking the peace and prosperity of our city (Jeremiah 29:7) means investing heavily in the youth who will one day lead it. While Urban Impact has had the opportunity to invest significantly in elementary aged youth through afterschool programming and in-school group mentoring, the recent growth of our team has increased our capacity to invest more heavily, particularly with Middle Schoolers.
You might remember your own middle school days; not exactly the easiest season of life to navigate. Most of our middle school youth have now entered that awkward phase of life where bodies are changing, voice inflection is shifting, and personal autonomy is forming more. Not to mention increased academic pressure and ongoing social and emotional development. This is a critical time in their young lives and we want to continue to be by their sides, sharing the love of Jesus with them as they learn more about who they are and why they were created. It’s a joy to serve them through more intentional group mentoring, academic tutoring, and exposure to new experiences for hands-on learning and leadership development.

Our Leadership Academy team, for example, recently had the privilege of crafting a memorable experience for some
of our middle school youth. Many thanks to Indigo Farms for introducing them to horseback riding and equine care (for most, this was a first-time experience). Through this hands-on learning opportunity, our future leaders practiced patience and developed an understanding of how to motivate challenging (and stubborn) animals. Discovering these leadership techniques provides lessons that resonate deeply with the experiences of middle school students as they continue to grow in such a unique and pivotal time of their lives.
This fall, we are leaning into the scripture that says, all your children will be taught by the Lord, and great will be their peace (Isaiah 54:13). We eagerly anticipate more enriching experiences that elevate our youth as they become equipped to grow, succeed and lead in the context of their neighborhoods. Your support makes their positive journey possible, and for that, my team and I are deeply grateful.